Japan’s Two-For-One Vending Machine


Vending machines are the wave of the future, offering quick convenience as well as a variety of food and beverage options. When looking for a vending machine manufacturer, a prospective buyer should find a company that has both variety and cutting edge technology. The following provides information on different types of vending machines currently situated in Japan, the two-for-one machine.

What Products Can Be Found in a Vending Machine?

Just about anything a person can eat, drink, read, or wear can now be found in vending machines. A person can get a cold drink, a hot coffee, and a morning newspaper from a machine. A snack or a small meal can be found in one of these incredible machines as well. The wave of the future will likely include fruits and veggies in these machines. There are even some vending machines that will dispense alcoholic beverages, though an identification card may be needed to purchase the alcohol. In Japan it is common to find canned ramen, canned red bean porridge and even canned corn soup.

What is a Two-For-One Vending Machine?

There is a machine that will give the customer two cans of coffee, one stacked on top of the other. In the Japanese vending machine a customer can purchase two coffees together for 150 yen. This comes to approximately $1.20. Japan has the highest number of vending machines to the population ratio in the world, making it no surprise that this great trend has been found in Japan. Two-for-one is a great idea and will likely grow in popularity and expand beyond coffee.

Why Should a Company Invest in These Vending Machines?

Technically savvy vending machines that promote and engage in consumer interaction will likely increase in popularity. Japan is often on the cutting edge of a variety of technological advances and they are proving to lead the way in using vending machines as well. Companies who want to not only provide the products that come in vending machines but other services for their customers will want to invest in these types of machines. A few of these types of services include machines that count calories and can even recognize and remember individual customers.

U-Select-It can provide a variety of vending machines that are some of the most advanced in the current industry and around the world. Whether it’s a drink vending machine, coffee vending machine, or another type, U-Select-It incorporates new technology and around the clock support for their machines.