Stay on the Cutting Edge of Vending with New Software

USelectThe vending machines of old have evolved quite a bit over the past few decades. Sure, you can scrounge up some change and dollar bills and grab yourself a snack, but many modern vending machines allow customers to make cashless purchases with their credit cards. Thanks to some brand new software, our vending products can be as interactive and efficient as ever.

The inDEX nutritional and machine data exchange tool allows for an unprecedented level of customer interactivity. Not only does it allow machine owners to enter nutritional information for each product, it also enables product advertising and custom pricing. It even sends data exchange to iCart touchscreens. iCart screens display all of the aforementioned nutritional and promotional material for customers, turning a simple vending machine into a dynamic mini-store.

While credit card purchases were once a big advancement for vending machines, they are just the beginning of a whole new level of customer interaction. With inDEX data exchange, you can ensure your customers are aware of drink and snack nutritional value, which is crucial in an age where most restaurants and fast-food establishments are making that information available. And thanks to iCart, you can create engaging advertising screens that might stop some potential customers in their tracks and bring them to your machine. Are you ready for the future of vending?